Merry Christmas 2024
Dear Family and Friends.
Up until college, much of my life was easy and predictable. My freshman year at University of Washington, it seemed that everything that seemed solid, reliable and certain, now was no longer that way. My Dad, even though I did not respect and honor him as I should have, I quickly learned that he was the solid rock in my family and life.My foundation and our family’s foundation suddenly and unexpectedly shaken as my Dad died at age 53. Through him I learned to care for the lowly, lonely and forgotten, hard work and integrity. My Dad was a doctor and I wanted to follow in his footsteps, not knowing what the end of the long journey would be like and what difficulties I would encounter along the way. Some of the difficulties I encountered were 110 hour work days, working 35 hours straight without sleep, living in an apartment in Chicago without heat and infested with rats. There were times when I just wanted to quit. I graduated in 1985 and entered family medicine residency in Chicago. Started working in a small clinic on the South side of Chicago and got married to my lovely wife in 1988. Coming up on 40 years as a doctor. How time flies! It is hard to believe. I really love being a doctor and I can honestly say that even though the days are long and hard, I am glad for the day and look forward to the next. I’ve been in the same office for almost 30 years, so you can say that I’ve grown old with my patients. I’ve tried to care for my patients like my Dad, with compassion, integrity and kindness. Over my 65 years, I have only been a patient twice. At 4 to get my tonsils out and about 15 years ago when I accidentally cut my leg with a chainsaw. I started to think that I am invincible, not like a teenager who doesn’t even know what is out there, but as a doctor who has seen just about everything and somehow all of the bad things that can happen to me, just haven’t and maybe won’t. That is the sin of pride in me. The Bible says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6) I had taken my health for granted, and not thanked God daily for it. I don’t believe God rewards me with “good” things when I live a life pleasing to Him and God punishes me with “bad” things when I displease HIm. I hold onto this promise from the Bible: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) 2024 was my year to be a patient. I believe this will help me to be a better doctor. This summer I was awakened out of my sleep with my heart racing. It was going about 170-180 beats per minute. I woke up Lori and she took me to urgent care. They gave me medication but this was only a temporary fix. I got a referral to a cardiologist. Treadmill stress test, heart monitor, an echocardiogram, labs and an EKG all indicated my heart was fine. A sleep test showed I have severe sleep apnea and now I have a CPAP machine. Actually I sleep well with it and now I can’t be blamed for my snoring as there is none. The machine actually is very quiet. You would think that this was enough humbling for me. Wrong. For the past 10 years my left hip has been hurting and I could usually control it with some ibuprofen. I used to run a lot. I quit that. I used to squat down and tie my shoes, well long-shoe horn is my friend. Picking things off the floor, getting my socks on. I found “tricks” to do these also. I thought I was doing a good job at hiding this ailment, but my Mom noticed that I was limping. “Richard, you are limping. What is wrong?” “Mom, I have a hip that hurts.” “Richard, you need to do something about that. The next morning, I said, “Good morning, Mom. How did you sleep?” “Richard, I didn’t sleep at all. With tears flowing down her face, she pleaded with me, “I’m so worried about your hip. You need to do something about it or I won't be able to sleep.” “Mom, I’ll call my doctor today and get my hip checked out.” It took my mother’s tears and sleepless nights to get stubborn me to move. Well x-rays and a visit to orthopedics got me to where I am right now- awaiting total hip replacement. I will be patient again. How humbling but good. It is hurting so much that I am certain that I wished I did it earlier, but stubborn me. Thank God for modern medicine and that I live in a country where this is even a possibility. I saw many people in Cambodia when I served there that surgery, modern medicine, pain relief, cures were not even available. The surgery date was set for December 10th and I needed to be off ibuprofen for at least 10 days before. I stopped about 2 weeks before and I couldn’t believe the amount of pain I was in. Tylenol did nothing. My brother supplied me with a walker, sock-putter-oner, thick cushion as he recently underwent the same surgery. I got a cane from a friend and this allowed me to finish work- barely. Lori and Elisha, my son-in-law, drove me to the hospital. The surgeon said my hip was a “mess” but he was able to clean things up and put in the new hip joint. Hard to believe that 3 hours after surgery I was heading home with my new hip. There are a lot of rules to follow and instructions to keep and exercises to perform. I tried my best to complete all of them. December 11th was actually the worst day and things seem to be improving and I actually notice more mobility already.
While in the hospital two nurses said to me,
“Physician, heal thyself.” I know it came from the Bible, but I was unfamiliar with the context. It is actually found in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 4 verse 23. Backing up a bit to get some context: Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth“ And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district. And He began teaching in their synagogues and was praised by all. And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read. And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And He opened the book and found the place where it was written, "THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED, TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD." And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." And all were speaking well of Him, and wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips; and they were saying, "Is this not Joseph's son?" And He said to them, "No doubt you will quote this proverb to Me, 'Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we heard was done at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well.'" And He said, "Truly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his hometown. (Luke 4:14-24, NASB)
Jesus was announcing that He was the long-awaited Messiah. The quote from the Old Testament book, Isaiah, said that the Gospel (which means Good News) GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED, 19 TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD."
Who does Jesus save? Jesus came not to save those that think that they are “righteous” (sinless, right with God) but He came to save the “poor” in “spirit”, not in monetary wealth, see that they bring nothing to earn their salvation. Jesus also came to save the “captives,” those held under the bonds and burdens of sin in their lives. Jesus also came to save those that are “blind,” those lost and blind, in desperate need for help to find their way to God. Jesus also came to save the oppressed. Sin is a cruel task-master, with no hope of escape. Some may think that I have total freedom, but only to do the things you want to do, but no freedom to do the things God calls you to do, which is true freedom. And ultimately no freedom from the punishment of sin. The audience there rejected Jesus, thinking that “I’m not poor, captive, blind and oppressed.” Jesus told them their diagnosis but they didn’t want to accept it. In fact Jesus, who knows each person’s heart and motives, said: “And He (Jesus) said to them, "No doubt you will quote this proverb to Me, 'Physician, heal yourself! They felt that they were fine and Jesus is the one with the problem, not them. Unless we acknowledge that sin is a problem in our lives we will never seek to be saved from it. It is not like
ignoring makes it go away or lessens its impact. I’ve been a doctor for almost 40 years and have seen just about everything. Unfortunately at times I have to be the bearer of bad news. No one wants to hear from their doctor, “you have cancer, I”m sorry this is terminal, or there is nothing else we can do.” Acknowledging the enemy actually is the first step in preparation. Jesus’ audience didn’t want to hear or accept the bad news, in fact they attempted to kill Him right there. Jesus is warning that we all have a terminal condition, “sin” in our lives. Since Jesus is a “just” God, there is punishment. Yes we don’t want to even think about that, but it is true and ignoring it won’t make it go away. Jesus is also “Loving” and He died on a cross to pay for our rebellion and punishment. What must I do to be saved? Here are Jesus' own words: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel.” What does “repent” mean? It is actually stopping and going in the opposite direction. “Believe in the Gospel” Gospel means good news. The Good News is that Jesus' death on the cross is the only means of having your sins forgiven and punishment paid for. Romans 10: 9-10 “If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes,
resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” God did what man can never do. Accept our diagnosis and cure. “The Lord …is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (1 Peter 3:9) If fact Jesus Himself invites all to come to Him: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and You will find rest for your souls for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30) If you want help please contact me. My pastor and friends helped me to accept Jesus’ salvation 40 years ago. No doubt my best decision! Christmas will never be the same again!
Now for the Up Close & Personal:
Jairus: Jairus got baptized this year. His youth pastor, David, chose him to be his intern. What a good experience for both of them. Jairus had several opportunities to speak before small and large audiences. He is very personal and good at presenting how he became a Christian and what that means to him right now. He graduated highschool from All Saints Academy and now is at Geneva College in Pennsylvania planning on getting a master’s degree in Computer Science- Cyber Security in 4 years. He is taking a full load, working basically full-time and still has time. He is enjoying his college time and making good friends. Sam is his dorm mate and he gets along well with him and went over to his place for Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to getting caught up with him also. I am amazed at his pencil drawing skills. I do mainly acrylic painting, but maybe he can show me some tricks in pencil drawing and we can do it together. Just before taking off to college he accompanied me to visit Grandma. I really had a great time showing him some of my childhood stomping grounds and it was so good to hear my Mom and Jairus talk. He is growing into quite a fine young man and I am very proud of him.
Lily: Will graduate from Boyce College with a degree in Communications and Marketing. Not certain of her plans following graduation, but I can foresee her staying in that area. She really loves her church, Clifton Baptist Church and is active in worship and small groups and outreach. She will be moving off campus after her graduation. She has a car. Do I worry about her? Not really. She is solid in her faith and not afraid to ask for advice. I know God has a great future for her. Just not certain where that will lead her. I always enjoy her trips home and going out for coffee and getting caught up. She is always open for adventure, challenge or just jumping into an ice cold river.
Noelle & Nolan: They live in Georgia. They were affected by the hurricanes but their house was not flooded or damaged. They had to find another house rental and God provided another perfect place. Nolan comes from a huge family- ten children. I thought ours was big. Well when you get that many together to move and feed them- things get done fast. Nolan no longer is working or the food coop with his Dad, but is now full time staff with “Upper 90”
Noelle has also joined the team and works on media and communications. Nolan and Noelle took a team down to Honduras to set up a soccer camp. Upper90 serves in underserved areas to help children not only succeed in soccer but life and introduce them to Christianity and help them grow strong in their faith. It is so neat to see them work and serve together and live life together, be it cooking together in a miniature home on their anniversary, celebrating birthdays and life together. They found a great church and they both serve in the worship team. Nolan sings and plays guitar and Noelle plays violin.
They worked together to get the flowers for Kristi and Devin’s wedding ready when the flowers arrived late. Teamwork and unity!
Aaron and Nae’Ana had a baby daughter, Namiko born January 2024. She spent two weeks in the NICU but is now healthy as ever. Namiko means child of the sea or “Mariner.” Nae’Ana’s extended family is so friendly and huge and always willing to help. Aaron and Nae’Ana love Namiko and each other so much, that it is so evident. I like running ideas by Aaron as he has such a concise insight that I often can’t perceive. He can not only fix your car or motorcycle but he can also help to fix broken relationships. His focus may be mainly the here and now rather than the distant past. What began as a common interest in fast cars has blossomed into the love and care of Namiko and for each other. Their lives are so much richer as a result.
Kristi and Devin: Got married Memorial Day weekend 2024. How they ever met is a miracle in itself. When Lori and I got married there was no such thing as online dating services. Well that is how it all began. Kristi was living in Washington DC at the time, when she told us her intentions of trying an online dating service. I told her that I have no experience but prayed for her. Devin was living with his brother near Tacoma, but was attending a church Kristi was familiar with as it was located near our home. Connection was made and then Kristi moved back to Washington State. Devin and Kristi started dating. We got to do a lot of things together, like camping, hiking, coffee, road trips, backpacking trips. We all liked Devin. Devin wanted the proposal to be secret from Kristi and at Leavenworth, a quaint Bavarian village in a beautiful mountain setting. Lily was flying that day and her flight got delayed and we were picking her up at the airport. Kristi and Devin are driving also. Kristi’s car got a flat tire and needed to be repaired. It seemed like things were not going very smoothly. With sunset approaching, I started to have my doubts but Devin proposed by the Wenatchee River and Lily caught it all on her phone. Ever since Kristi was young she wanted to get married next to our home at Kitsap Memorial State Park. This popular venue usually is booked 9 months out, but Memorial Day Saturday was open. God, I am certain it had something to do with that! They live in downtown Seattle, walking distance from the Space Needle.
Bethany now lives in the Seattle area. She works in the deli at Metropolitan Market. She is doing well there and the organization is very supportive. I think the training as courtesy clerk and then cashier at Town and Country were good stepping stones for this job. I’ll have to stop there and order a sandwich. She attends Downtown Cornerstone Church, in the heart of Seattle. What a unique church, made up of almost every ethnicity and age. I really like the preaching and fellowship. Bethany has many giftings and talents and she will be a great asset there. This year she got baptized at her church. This is such an important step. One thing about growing up in a Christian home and in church, it is often difficult to determine if your faith is real or not. I’m so proud of her and glad she is making these steps in her life. She and I are similar in some ways. We both like to reminisce about past times, be it songs, places, old things like the adventure book the children wrote and published, called, Black and Green. Bethany had a dog called Gopstopper, but it wasn’t a good dog and had to be given back. This has been a year of major changes in her life and I believe some great changes are heading her way. Just wait and see.
Elisha, Stefanie, Xanthi and Cora. Again who is Cora? She wasn’t in last year’s newsletter. She wasn’t expected to arrive until July 2024, but came early at 32 weeks and 1 day. Just the requirement for her not needing to be transferred to level 3 NICU. Perfectly formed but just miniature weighing just 4 pounds. Those were exhausting days as Cora stayed in the NICU for about one month. Xanthi just loves her new sister. It is so neat to see them together. Xanthi heard I was going to the hospital and got confused thinking that Papa was going to turn into a baby again. How cute :) They just moved into their new rental home. They already have it looking so nice and homey. Elisha teaches Bass, Cello, Viola and Violin out of their home. He also has an online beginner’s course, called Prodigy. Just by watching and listening,pp Xanthi has picked up all of the notes by ear of the C major chord. Check out to learn more. He really is an excellent teacher of all ages. His youngest student may be 4 years old. When our children were young we used to live in Port Orchard. There is a park there that we called, the “ChooChoo Train Park.” It has a miniature train that runs from April to October. We would ride our bikes and those that didn’t ride a bike yet, got a ride in the Burley trailer. What a blast! This summer we went to the ChooChoo Train Park. What fun and the ride was so much longer. It brought back such fun memories. Maybe our Grandchildren will take their kids to the ChooChoo Train Park.
Jonathan and Emma: Emma had plans to go on an outing with her sisters and mother. Emma comes from a family of 17 children. Not certain the ratio and who was able to attend. Jonathan the opportunist, wanted to come to Washington State and go camping at Mount Rainier and go to a Mariner’s game. Jonathan loves technology be it an iPhone, Mac computer, or drones. He got up early and went to fly his drone. Unfortunately it started flying erratically and hit a tree and crashed into the river. It could not be found. What a disappointing way to begin his trip. I know it must have bothered him a lot, but he had a good attitude. We hiked in the snow, along waterfalls and Mt Rainier was magnificent as ever! Amazingly several weeks later a camper saw the drone and his son dove into the ice cold water and retrieved it. They searched the SD card and noticed a company sign of a pickup truck. Looked it up and called and low and behold Jonathan was able to get his drone back. Both Emma and Jonathan were able to come up for Kristi and Devin’s wedding. We went out to a restaurant and I’m sure for coffee, but there really is never enough time. Sometimes we’ll play an online game like QuipLash or TVJacks. These are fun but not as good as a phone call or video call. I’ll need to get better at setting these up.
Amy, Jon, Jet, Rezi and Josephine. You may ask who Josephine is? When I was writing up my last year’s Christmas letter, Amy was still pregnant. It wasn’t an easy pregnancy as it required surgery, bedrest and a lot of prayers. Josephine arrived at the end of December healthy and smiling from the start. If she is not hungry or tired, she has a happiest smile and chubby cheeks and now claps or waves. They live in a nice neighborhood and they have a playground right outside their front door and also some woods that we love to explore or make a fort or tell scary stories.
Jon and my brother, Ed always challenge each other with Basketball’s March Madness. He will be in Spokane for some of his Army training and he hopes to visit my Mom. One thing that impressed me with Jon is that before they got married Jon had a mentor to help him mature especially in his spiritual life. He was also mentoring this mentor’s teenage son. I got to meet Colonel Miller Jon’s mentor. Jon was able to fly out for his son’s wedding. Passing on a godly heritage to the next generation! Way to Go! Amy now works for Jon’s law firm. This I’m sure has its down side, but the upside is that they learn to work together and spend more time together. Unity in marriage is so difficult and Jon and Amy are making it work. They homeschool their children, so they are always together. Amy has set up once a month “Show And Tell” at the local library. What a good way to get young families out and together.
Lori, my bride of 36 years, is my best friend. She is just starting her Biblical counseling career and I am getting closer to the end of mine. She said that she is gifted in being a good active listener and people feel safe and free to open up to her and share their hurts, feelings and hardships and are willing to seek her advice and help. I am glad she is able to use God’s giftings to help others. Lori took a week off to help me post-surgery. My Mom knew that Lori went to seminary and she asked Lori to help her study her Bible, stating that no one has ever helped her study her Bible and she wants to know more about God and live the rest of her life as God wants her to. Lori has led several Bible studies and book discussions. I am certain that Lori will be a great help to my Mom. Lori also attends a weekly Bible study called Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and she plays piano there and this year they are going through the last book of the Bible, “Revelations.” If you need to find the best deals, highest quality items or any travel related deals or advice, Lori is the go-to-person. Lori said that she kills every plant, but I see her beautiful pink fuschia still blooming on our front porch and it is nearly Christmas. It always seems that I am out of town when disaster hits home. I was in Spokane when the timber company clearcutted right up to our property line. They stacked all the branches and logs that they couldn’t use in huge piles. A lightning storm came through and lit one of these piles on fire. This is the night before Lori was to take Jairus off to Geneva College in Pennsylvania. They called the fire department, who ended up calling the county with an excavator and water truck and kept two men overnight to watch this fire. Fortunately it burned itself out. Lori found a budget app and we have been working on itemizing where all money goes and planning for future costs. Lori is the planner and I am the freelancer. This is good for us.
Rich: (65) I actually am qualified for many senior discounts. Many people ask when I plan on retiring. I know it is coming but I actually love what I do and I have many wonderful coworkers who are so supportive and many patients who allowed me to be their doctor for almost 30 years. For our 36 year anniversary, Lori and I went back to Vancouver, BC, where we went for our honeymoon. It was a special time! Hard to believe that Lori and I are empty-nesters. All 9 children are either on their own or off at college. It actually is nice. It gives Lori and I many opportunities to talk, go out on dates, play games, puzzles or videos. Lori likes to watch, “Alone, I Should Have Died.” I often find some good videos at the library. This year I had the privilege to go out to Spokane and spend time with my Mom, who is almost 101 years old and my brother and sisters and nieces. It is such a blessing to be there. My Mom has had many difficulties in her life as I shared in last year’s Christmas letter, but she has chosen to be thankful for almost everything. She is such a good example! Life is full. Added three new grandchildren since my last letter. What a blessing they are! With a new hip, I look forward to being more active. The older ones want to go fishing with Papa. I can hardly wait! Other things that I am involved with. Local Bible study with friends and for the past 5 years been involved with local outreach to international students at Olympic College. This has been so rewarding! I hope to be more involved this coming year. I still plan on making regular trips to be with my Mom. On my most recent visit she said she feels that she’ll live to be 105 years old. I asked her how she picked that number and she said that she feels that good. She also in the past said that she can’t die until the Mariners win the World Series. She is also looking forward to Heaven, which she describes as a “spherical world.” She is hoping all of her loved ones will be joining her there.
Christmas we celebrate Jesus coming to earth to be like us to save us. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.” 2 Corinthians 5:15 “Jesus died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.” Have a blessed Christmas! From our family to yours.
Email: [email protected]
Dear Family and Friends.
Up until college, much of my life was easy and predictable. My freshman year at University of Washington, it seemed that everything that seemed solid, reliable and certain, now was no longer that way. My Dad, even though I did not respect and honor him as I should have, I quickly learned that he was the solid rock in my family and life.My foundation and our family’s foundation suddenly and unexpectedly shaken as my Dad died at age 53. Through him I learned to care for the lowly, lonely and forgotten, hard work and integrity. My Dad was a doctor and I wanted to follow in his footsteps, not knowing what the end of the long journey would be like and what difficulties I would encounter along the way. Some of the difficulties I encountered were 110 hour work days, working 35 hours straight without sleep, living in an apartment in Chicago without heat and infested with rats. There were times when I just wanted to quit. I graduated in 1985 and entered family medicine residency in Chicago. Started working in a small clinic on the South side of Chicago and got married to my lovely wife in 1988. Coming up on 40 years as a doctor. How time flies! It is hard to believe. I really love being a doctor and I can honestly say that even though the days are long and hard, I am glad for the day and look forward to the next. I’ve been in the same office for almost 30 years, so you can say that I’ve grown old with my patients. I’ve tried to care for my patients like my Dad, with compassion, integrity and kindness. Over my 65 years, I have only been a patient twice. At 4 to get my tonsils out and about 15 years ago when I accidentally cut my leg with a chainsaw. I started to think that I am invincible, not like a teenager who doesn’t even know what is out there, but as a doctor who has seen just about everything and somehow all of the bad things that can happen to me, just haven’t and maybe won’t. That is the sin of pride in me. The Bible says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6) I had taken my health for granted, and not thanked God daily for it. I don’t believe God rewards me with “good” things when I live a life pleasing to Him and God punishes me with “bad” things when I displease HIm. I hold onto this promise from the Bible: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) 2024 was my year to be a patient. I believe this will help me to be a better doctor. This summer I was awakened out of my sleep with my heart racing. It was going about 170-180 beats per minute. I woke up Lori and she took me to urgent care. They gave me medication but this was only a temporary fix. I got a referral to a cardiologist. Treadmill stress test, heart monitor, an echocardiogram, labs and an EKG all indicated my heart was fine. A sleep test showed I have severe sleep apnea and now I have a CPAP machine. Actually I sleep well with it and now I can’t be blamed for my snoring as there is none. The machine actually is very quiet. You would think that this was enough humbling for me. Wrong. For the past 10 years my left hip has been hurting and I could usually control it with some ibuprofen. I used to run a lot. I quit that. I used to squat down and tie my shoes, well long-shoe horn is my friend. Picking things off the floor, getting my socks on. I found “tricks” to do these also. I thought I was doing a good job at hiding this ailment, but my Mom noticed that I was limping. “Richard, you are limping. What is wrong?” “Mom, I have a hip that hurts.” “Richard, you need to do something about that. The next morning, I said, “Good morning, Mom. How did you sleep?” “Richard, I didn’t sleep at all. With tears flowing down her face, she pleaded with me, “I’m so worried about your hip. You need to do something about it or I won't be able to sleep.” “Mom, I’ll call my doctor today and get my hip checked out.” It took my mother’s tears and sleepless nights to get stubborn me to move. Well x-rays and a visit to orthopedics got me to where I am right now- awaiting total hip replacement. I will be patient again. How humbling but good. It is hurting so much that I am certain that I wished I did it earlier, but stubborn me. Thank God for modern medicine and that I live in a country where this is even a possibility. I saw many people in Cambodia when I served there that surgery, modern medicine, pain relief, cures were not even available. The surgery date was set for December 10th and I needed to be off ibuprofen for at least 10 days before. I stopped about 2 weeks before and I couldn’t believe the amount of pain I was in. Tylenol did nothing. My brother supplied me with a walker, sock-putter-oner, thick cushion as he recently underwent the same surgery. I got a cane from a friend and this allowed me to finish work- barely. Lori and Elisha, my son-in-law, drove me to the hospital. The surgeon said my hip was a “mess” but he was able to clean things up and put in the new hip joint. Hard to believe that 3 hours after surgery I was heading home with my new hip. There are a lot of rules to follow and instructions to keep and exercises to perform. I tried my best to complete all of them. December 11th was actually the worst day and things seem to be improving and I actually notice more mobility already.
While in the hospital two nurses said to me,
“Physician, heal thyself.” I know it came from the Bible, but I was unfamiliar with the context. It is actually found in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 4 verse 23. Backing up a bit to get some context: Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth“ And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district. And He began teaching in their synagogues and was praised by all. And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read. And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And He opened the book and found the place where it was written, "THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED, TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD." And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." And all were speaking well of Him, and wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips; and they were saying, "Is this not Joseph's son?" And He said to them, "No doubt you will quote this proverb to Me, 'Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we heard was done at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well.'" And He said, "Truly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his hometown. (Luke 4:14-24, NASB)
Jesus was announcing that He was the long-awaited Messiah. The quote from the Old Testament book, Isaiah, said that the Gospel (which means Good News) GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED, 19 TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD."
Who does Jesus save? Jesus came not to save those that think that they are “righteous” (sinless, right with God) but He came to save the “poor” in “spirit”, not in monetary wealth, see that they bring nothing to earn their salvation. Jesus also came to save the “captives,” those held under the bonds and burdens of sin in their lives. Jesus also came to save those that are “blind,” those lost and blind, in desperate need for help to find their way to God. Jesus also came to save the oppressed. Sin is a cruel task-master, with no hope of escape. Some may think that I have total freedom, but only to do the things you want to do, but no freedom to do the things God calls you to do, which is true freedom. And ultimately no freedom from the punishment of sin. The audience there rejected Jesus, thinking that “I’m not poor, captive, blind and oppressed.” Jesus told them their diagnosis but they didn’t want to accept it. In fact Jesus, who knows each person’s heart and motives, said: “And He (Jesus) said to them, "No doubt you will quote this proverb to Me, 'Physician, heal yourself! They felt that they were fine and Jesus is the one with the problem, not them. Unless we acknowledge that sin is a problem in our lives we will never seek to be saved from it. It is not like
ignoring makes it go away or lessens its impact. I’ve been a doctor for almost 40 years and have seen just about everything. Unfortunately at times I have to be the bearer of bad news. No one wants to hear from their doctor, “you have cancer, I”m sorry this is terminal, or there is nothing else we can do.” Acknowledging the enemy actually is the first step in preparation. Jesus’ audience didn’t want to hear or accept the bad news, in fact they attempted to kill Him right there. Jesus is warning that we all have a terminal condition, “sin” in our lives. Since Jesus is a “just” God, there is punishment. Yes we don’t want to even think about that, but it is true and ignoring it won’t make it go away. Jesus is also “Loving” and He died on a cross to pay for our rebellion and punishment. What must I do to be saved? Here are Jesus' own words: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel.” What does “repent” mean? It is actually stopping and going in the opposite direction. “Believe in the Gospel” Gospel means good news. The Good News is that Jesus' death on the cross is the only means of having your sins forgiven and punishment paid for. Romans 10: 9-10 “If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes,
resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” God did what man can never do. Accept our diagnosis and cure. “The Lord …is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (1 Peter 3:9) If fact Jesus Himself invites all to come to Him: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and You will find rest for your souls for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30) If you want help please contact me. My pastor and friends helped me to accept Jesus’ salvation 40 years ago. No doubt my best decision! Christmas will never be the same again!
Now for the Up Close & Personal:
Jairus: Jairus got baptized this year. His youth pastor, David, chose him to be his intern. What a good experience for both of them. Jairus had several opportunities to speak before small and large audiences. He is very personal and good at presenting how he became a Christian and what that means to him right now. He graduated highschool from All Saints Academy and now is at Geneva College in Pennsylvania planning on getting a master’s degree in Computer Science- Cyber Security in 4 years. He is taking a full load, working basically full-time and still has time. He is enjoying his college time and making good friends. Sam is his dorm mate and he gets along well with him and went over to his place for Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to getting caught up with him also. I am amazed at his pencil drawing skills. I do mainly acrylic painting, but maybe he can show me some tricks in pencil drawing and we can do it together. Just before taking off to college he accompanied me to visit Grandma. I really had a great time showing him some of my childhood stomping grounds and it was so good to hear my Mom and Jairus talk. He is growing into quite a fine young man and I am very proud of him.
Lily: Will graduate from Boyce College with a degree in Communications and Marketing. Not certain of her plans following graduation, but I can foresee her staying in that area. She really loves her church, Clifton Baptist Church and is active in worship and small groups and outreach. She will be moving off campus after her graduation. She has a car. Do I worry about her? Not really. She is solid in her faith and not afraid to ask for advice. I know God has a great future for her. Just not certain where that will lead her. I always enjoy her trips home and going out for coffee and getting caught up. She is always open for adventure, challenge or just jumping into an ice cold river.
Noelle & Nolan: They live in Georgia. They were affected by the hurricanes but their house was not flooded or damaged. They had to find another house rental and God provided another perfect place. Nolan comes from a huge family- ten children. I thought ours was big. Well when you get that many together to move and feed them- things get done fast. Nolan no longer is working or the food coop with his Dad, but is now full time staff with “Upper 90”
Noelle has also joined the team and works on media and communications. Nolan and Noelle took a team down to Honduras to set up a soccer camp. Upper90 serves in underserved areas to help children not only succeed in soccer but life and introduce them to Christianity and help them grow strong in their faith. It is so neat to see them work and serve together and live life together, be it cooking together in a miniature home on their anniversary, celebrating birthdays and life together. They found a great church and they both serve in the worship team. Nolan sings and plays guitar and Noelle plays violin.
They worked together to get the flowers for Kristi and Devin’s wedding ready when the flowers arrived late. Teamwork and unity!
Aaron and Nae’Ana had a baby daughter, Namiko born January 2024. She spent two weeks in the NICU but is now healthy as ever. Namiko means child of the sea or “Mariner.” Nae’Ana’s extended family is so friendly and huge and always willing to help. Aaron and Nae’Ana love Namiko and each other so much, that it is so evident. I like running ideas by Aaron as he has such a concise insight that I often can’t perceive. He can not only fix your car or motorcycle but he can also help to fix broken relationships. His focus may be mainly the here and now rather than the distant past. What began as a common interest in fast cars has blossomed into the love and care of Namiko and for each other. Their lives are so much richer as a result.
Kristi and Devin: Got married Memorial Day weekend 2024. How they ever met is a miracle in itself. When Lori and I got married there was no such thing as online dating services. Well that is how it all began. Kristi was living in Washington DC at the time, when she told us her intentions of trying an online dating service. I told her that I have no experience but prayed for her. Devin was living with his brother near Tacoma, but was attending a church Kristi was familiar with as it was located near our home. Connection was made and then Kristi moved back to Washington State. Devin and Kristi started dating. We got to do a lot of things together, like camping, hiking, coffee, road trips, backpacking trips. We all liked Devin. Devin wanted the proposal to be secret from Kristi and at Leavenworth, a quaint Bavarian village in a beautiful mountain setting. Lily was flying that day and her flight got delayed and we were picking her up at the airport. Kristi and Devin are driving also. Kristi’s car got a flat tire and needed to be repaired. It seemed like things were not going very smoothly. With sunset approaching, I started to have my doubts but Devin proposed by the Wenatchee River and Lily caught it all on her phone. Ever since Kristi was young she wanted to get married next to our home at Kitsap Memorial State Park. This popular venue usually is booked 9 months out, but Memorial Day Saturday was open. God, I am certain it had something to do with that! They live in downtown Seattle, walking distance from the Space Needle.
Bethany now lives in the Seattle area. She works in the deli at Metropolitan Market. She is doing well there and the organization is very supportive. I think the training as courtesy clerk and then cashier at Town and Country were good stepping stones for this job. I’ll have to stop there and order a sandwich. She attends Downtown Cornerstone Church, in the heart of Seattle. What a unique church, made up of almost every ethnicity and age. I really like the preaching and fellowship. Bethany has many giftings and talents and she will be a great asset there. This year she got baptized at her church. This is such an important step. One thing about growing up in a Christian home and in church, it is often difficult to determine if your faith is real or not. I’m so proud of her and glad she is making these steps in her life. She and I are similar in some ways. We both like to reminisce about past times, be it songs, places, old things like the adventure book the children wrote and published, called, Black and Green. Bethany had a dog called Gopstopper, but it wasn’t a good dog and had to be given back. This has been a year of major changes in her life and I believe some great changes are heading her way. Just wait and see.
Elisha, Stefanie, Xanthi and Cora. Again who is Cora? She wasn’t in last year’s newsletter. She wasn’t expected to arrive until July 2024, but came early at 32 weeks and 1 day. Just the requirement for her not needing to be transferred to level 3 NICU. Perfectly formed but just miniature weighing just 4 pounds. Those were exhausting days as Cora stayed in the NICU for about one month. Xanthi just loves her new sister. It is so neat to see them together. Xanthi heard I was going to the hospital and got confused thinking that Papa was going to turn into a baby again. How cute :) They just moved into their new rental home. They already have it looking so nice and homey. Elisha teaches Bass, Cello, Viola and Violin out of their home. He also has an online beginner’s course, called Prodigy. Just by watching and listening,pp Xanthi has picked up all of the notes by ear of the C major chord. Check out to learn more. He really is an excellent teacher of all ages. His youngest student may be 4 years old. When our children were young we used to live in Port Orchard. There is a park there that we called, the “ChooChoo Train Park.” It has a miniature train that runs from April to October. We would ride our bikes and those that didn’t ride a bike yet, got a ride in the Burley trailer. What a blast! This summer we went to the ChooChoo Train Park. What fun and the ride was so much longer. It brought back such fun memories. Maybe our Grandchildren will take their kids to the ChooChoo Train Park.
Jonathan and Emma: Emma had plans to go on an outing with her sisters and mother. Emma comes from a family of 17 children. Not certain the ratio and who was able to attend. Jonathan the opportunist, wanted to come to Washington State and go camping at Mount Rainier and go to a Mariner’s game. Jonathan loves technology be it an iPhone, Mac computer, or drones. He got up early and went to fly his drone. Unfortunately it started flying erratically and hit a tree and crashed into the river. It could not be found. What a disappointing way to begin his trip. I know it must have bothered him a lot, but he had a good attitude. We hiked in the snow, along waterfalls and Mt Rainier was magnificent as ever! Amazingly several weeks later a camper saw the drone and his son dove into the ice cold water and retrieved it. They searched the SD card and noticed a company sign of a pickup truck. Looked it up and called and low and behold Jonathan was able to get his drone back. Both Emma and Jonathan were able to come up for Kristi and Devin’s wedding. We went out to a restaurant and I’m sure for coffee, but there really is never enough time. Sometimes we’ll play an online game like QuipLash or TVJacks. These are fun but not as good as a phone call or video call. I’ll need to get better at setting these up.
Amy, Jon, Jet, Rezi and Josephine. You may ask who Josephine is? When I was writing up my last year’s Christmas letter, Amy was still pregnant. It wasn’t an easy pregnancy as it required surgery, bedrest and a lot of prayers. Josephine arrived at the end of December healthy and smiling from the start. If she is not hungry or tired, she has a happiest smile and chubby cheeks and now claps or waves. They live in a nice neighborhood and they have a playground right outside their front door and also some woods that we love to explore or make a fort or tell scary stories.
Jon and my brother, Ed always challenge each other with Basketball’s March Madness. He will be in Spokane for some of his Army training and he hopes to visit my Mom. One thing that impressed me with Jon is that before they got married Jon had a mentor to help him mature especially in his spiritual life. He was also mentoring this mentor’s teenage son. I got to meet Colonel Miller Jon’s mentor. Jon was able to fly out for his son’s wedding. Passing on a godly heritage to the next generation! Way to Go! Amy now works for Jon’s law firm. This I’m sure has its down side, but the upside is that they learn to work together and spend more time together. Unity in marriage is so difficult and Jon and Amy are making it work. They homeschool their children, so they are always together. Amy has set up once a month “Show And Tell” at the local library. What a good way to get young families out and together.
Lori, my bride of 36 years, is my best friend. She is just starting her Biblical counseling career and I am getting closer to the end of mine. She said that she is gifted in being a good active listener and people feel safe and free to open up to her and share their hurts, feelings and hardships and are willing to seek her advice and help. I am glad she is able to use God’s giftings to help others. Lori took a week off to help me post-surgery. My Mom knew that Lori went to seminary and she asked Lori to help her study her Bible, stating that no one has ever helped her study her Bible and she wants to know more about God and live the rest of her life as God wants her to. Lori has led several Bible studies and book discussions. I am certain that Lori will be a great help to my Mom. Lori also attends a weekly Bible study called Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and she plays piano there and this year they are going through the last book of the Bible, “Revelations.” If you need to find the best deals, highest quality items or any travel related deals or advice, Lori is the go-to-person. Lori said that she kills every plant, but I see her beautiful pink fuschia still blooming on our front porch and it is nearly Christmas. It always seems that I am out of town when disaster hits home. I was in Spokane when the timber company clearcutted right up to our property line. They stacked all the branches and logs that they couldn’t use in huge piles. A lightning storm came through and lit one of these piles on fire. This is the night before Lori was to take Jairus off to Geneva College in Pennsylvania. They called the fire department, who ended up calling the county with an excavator and water truck and kept two men overnight to watch this fire. Fortunately it burned itself out. Lori found a budget app and we have been working on itemizing where all money goes and planning for future costs. Lori is the planner and I am the freelancer. This is good for us.
Rich: (65) I actually am qualified for many senior discounts. Many people ask when I plan on retiring. I know it is coming but I actually love what I do and I have many wonderful coworkers who are so supportive and many patients who allowed me to be their doctor for almost 30 years. For our 36 year anniversary, Lori and I went back to Vancouver, BC, where we went for our honeymoon. It was a special time! Hard to believe that Lori and I are empty-nesters. All 9 children are either on their own or off at college. It actually is nice. It gives Lori and I many opportunities to talk, go out on dates, play games, puzzles or videos. Lori likes to watch, “Alone, I Should Have Died.” I often find some good videos at the library. This year I had the privilege to go out to Spokane and spend time with my Mom, who is almost 101 years old and my brother and sisters and nieces. It is such a blessing to be there. My Mom has had many difficulties in her life as I shared in last year’s Christmas letter, but she has chosen to be thankful for almost everything. She is such a good example! Life is full. Added three new grandchildren since my last letter. What a blessing they are! With a new hip, I look forward to being more active. The older ones want to go fishing with Papa. I can hardly wait! Other things that I am involved with. Local Bible study with friends and for the past 5 years been involved with local outreach to international students at Olympic College. This has been so rewarding! I hope to be more involved this coming year. I still plan on making regular trips to be with my Mom. On my most recent visit she said she feels that she’ll live to be 105 years old. I asked her how she picked that number and she said that she feels that good. She also in the past said that she can’t die until the Mariners win the World Series. She is also looking forward to Heaven, which she describes as a “spherical world.” She is hoping all of her loved ones will be joining her there.
Christmas we celebrate Jesus coming to earth to be like us to save us. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.” 2 Corinthians 5:15 “Jesus died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.” Have a blessed Christmas! From our family to yours.
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