Summer has been full. Well actually life in the Tanaka home has been full- very full. I used to say once we get done with this or that then things will slow down. That was over 3 years ago- before Jonathan and I went to Cambodia. I believe this is the "new-normal." I better get used to it. This year began with some difficult news: our church of almost 8 years: Peninsula Household of Faith Community Church closed its doors. God provided a new church for us: Westside Baptist Church in Bremerton. Our family became members on Easter Sunday- a day to celebrate our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ, but also our new home. The church has warmly welcomed us and we being blessed by the Bible teaching of Pastor Craig Houston and the new friendships. Amy and I went on a Medical Missions trip to Southeast Asia- January-February 2014. Jonathan came home for 3 weeks- packed with activities. 4th of July gathering of over 80 people was so much fun.
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